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Pussy... By White2Tea

The Oolong Drunk

Hello hello!

White2Tea released their new 2017 productions just a few weeks ago. White2Tea released these teas and gave them funky names, including naming a beeng ‘Pussy’. Pussy is a tea that’s described by White2Tea as, “…a sweet, heavy, and fragrance forward tea.” Pussy’s wrapped in a beeng paper that’s designed with a high societal woman holding two cats. According to the wrapper, Pussy could be referenced to the slang word of a cat, or a woman's hoo-hah… Or both? Despite this teas name, is Pussy as sweet and fragrant as White2Tea describes? Lets find out!

Steeps 1 - 4

I used 6g of Pussy for a 90ml vessel, and used water at temperature of 185ºf. Anyways, Pussy opened up to a medicinal tasting note on the first infusion, and left an aftertaste of stevia in the throat. After a few more steeps, Pussy kept opening up to the green tasting notes of freshly cut grass, with a heavy and broth-like texture.

Steeps 5 - 8

Pussy exploded in my mouth as the medicinal tasting notes became more prominent. Pussy’s body was more like a soup at this point as its body also brought forward the tasting notes of freshly harvested hay, and also left behind a faint fruity aftertaste that closely resembled green grapes. Along with the fruity sweetness, there was a faint echo of cotton candy that seemed to be getting louder and bolder.

Steeps 9 - 12

As I sipped down every last drop of Pussy, the undertones of sweet green grapes became more noticeable in the mouth. With the mixture of these tasting notes, this tea’s fruity undertones more and more resembled cotton candy, and left a lasting sweetness in the mouth. After the last few steeps, the medicinal body mixed blissfully with the cotton candy undertone to create a meditative combination. After my last sip of Pussy, a humid sweetness lingered in the mouth for a lengthy period of time…


To start, Pussy began as a mellow and soft tea which quickly gained strength after just a few steeps. Even throughout the session, this tea had a strong backbone that held up steep after steep. One thing I like about Pussy is its complex profile that seemed to keep expanding as the session went on… (hehe). Another thing I like about Pussy was that it was deep and quickly turned into a soup, and was more broth than tea. However, if I had to guess, I would suspect that Pussy is a Yiwu and Mensong blend. In conclusion, I'd say that White2Tea’s description of this tea was an understatement, because this tea was more flavorful than one could have expected….

Would I Beeng This Tea?: Yes



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2015 - 2024

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