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  • The Oolong Drunk

New Friendship with Farmerleaf Teas

Hello hello!

For this past month, I’ve been sponsored by FarmerLeaf Tea! You’ve probably already seen their ad whenever you click on one of my reviews. FarmerLeaf Teas is a puer company based out of China, and is ran by a guy named William and his wife Yubai. William started selling tea in 2011, but officially opened his very own online store in 2016. He’s been making his way around Steepster, Reddit, and Instagram — slowly gaining popularity for his quality. One thing that helps Farmerleaf stand out is the fact that they own their own factory, and they over-see every detail of the puer process.

Now that I’m being sponsored by Farmerleaf, that doesn’t mean that I’ll be doing paid reviews, nor my opinion of their tea will be influenced by their sponsorship. Overall, I’m happy to announce that The Oolong Drunk is now friends with Farmerleaf! If our relationship with Farmerleaf only lasts for one month, or several. months, I can happily say that William is a great person to know and I look forward to our friendship. I encourage you to do the same — reach out to Farmerleaf and see for yourself why they’re so great!

“Blisfully Tea Drunk”

-The Oolong Drunk


The Oolong Drunk Affiliate 

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