The Oolong Drunk

Mar 6, 2018

Vector by Kuura

Hello hello!

Kuura is a new tea company that specializes in puer, white, and black tea. Kuura has been slowly gaining popularity through social media — in part to their aesthetic. They’re based out of Melbourne Australia and source their tea from China. A few weeks ago, I was surprised to see that they sent me a box of tea, and included in this box was a beeng of 2017 Fall Xishuangbanna sheng puer titled ‘Vector’. So I must ask, what is this tea all about? Lets find out!

Water Temperature - 185ºf

Demensions - 4g in a 60ml gaiwan

Beeng price - $34.50 for 200g

Number of steeps - 12

Steeps 1 - 4

At first, Vector opened up to the faint notes of green grass which left a light floral aftertaste. After another steep, the green grass tasting notes began to transform into the notes of hay with a medicinal undertone. By the fourth steep, this tea was turning more and more savory, and had a light sweetness to compliment these notes.

Steeps 5 - 12

The tasting notes of hay took over this teas body, as it held a leaf pile undertone. Vector held a broth-like texture, and seemed to be slightly medicinal in its aftertaste. This tea held these tasting notes up to the tenth infusion, which is when this tea’s strength began to lighten up a bit. By the eleventh infusion Vector was phasing out and by the twelfth infusion, this tea was finished and ready to be put away…


Kuura is a new tea company that started out by releasing a small amount of pressed teas for their fall collection. A part of this collection included a beeng titled ‘Vector’, which was pressed in November of 2017. One thing I liked about this tea is its accessibility, and had an overall pleasant texture to its body. Another thing I liked about this tea is its cleanliness and seemed to be pressed with great care. However, this beeng is compressed tighter than most other beengs that I’ve had, and took a good minute to pry apart.

Overall, Vector is a great introduction to puer and is a tea I’d recommend to people who are new to sheng. For a tea company that is new, I’ll be looking forward to trying other teas from their catalogue…
